The Disappointing Veneer of Science in Science Fiction

April 25th, 2008

I like stories of all types, not just hard science fiction. I can get excited about a good fantasy, or a good story of any kind.

What I can’t stand, however, is the pretending. Crap pretending to be science, making it harder to find the real thing, and making it harder for the public to tell the difference. It’s a form of anti-education.

And the latest entry is Splice. Here’s the article on io9 with the very telling headline:
Hard Scifi Flick “Splice” Actually Based on Internet-Rumor Science

Oh, please. Is it really so hard?

Do the research. Hire someone to do the research. Hire a consultant. Have a scientist in the field look over the outline. I don’t even mind a little artistic license. Some concepts do need some simplification for a quick, visual medium like film. But don’t, don’t, don’t pretend it’s real when it’s fake. Decide what sandbox you’re playing in, and just play and have fun. Okay?


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