I've offered my house as the first staging area for a mutiple house party on Sunday. The theme of my house will be aliens. Some grad students are going to help with the decorations, and I'm going to get various green and blue liquors for some alien-themed drinks. I'll probably play Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds for music. House 2, from 9-11pm, will be pirates -- I'm betting we'll have a lot of rum there, arrr. House three, from 11pm on, will be Eighties. Unfortunately, I have appropriate clothing in my closet for that part of the night (I'm thinking my Carl Sagan "Billions" t-shirt).
I ran 6 miles today, which felt good to be able to do. Okay, it was really 5.5 miles that I ran (in 46 minutes), and I walked an extra half mile for a cool down. I ran 5.5 to see what I could do with that distance, the same distance up Jelm Mountain, only without such a steep elevation gain. The new shoes are finally getting broken in, despite some slight blistering, and seem to be helping a lot with the calf tightness.
I'm also working on the novel revisions, slowly, which I plan to finish this month. I have a huge amount of work to do, and must apply myself to it. I'll post some updates about it and the process soon. I don't have any travel this month, or observing, so I should be able to build momentum and keep it.