September 10, 2005

Playing at Being God

As a scientist, it should be no surprise that I hold great disdain for creationism and so-called intelligent design "theories." People can believe what they want to believe, but when they start aggressively pushing for religion and non-science to be taught in science classes and given equal time with well tested and established scientific theories like Evolution, well, that means war. Science can certainly hold its own and win the war of ideas, but there is a lot of political pressure to give people what they want even when it isn't good for them. The movement is akin to giving equal time to Holocaust deniers in history class, or perhaps even worse. It's hard enough to educate people about science as it is, and understanding science is integral to being part of a technologically dependent civilization like ours.

Luckily, there's another way to combat the spreading ignorance since logic and reason often continue to fall on deaf ears, and the same erroneous criticisms of evolutionary theorey are repeated ad nauseum as if they were true. This other way is ridicule, and not just any ridicule. Fun, hilarious, super-meme ridicule.

I give you the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I love this idea, and it has rapidly picked up attention, including New York Times coverage. You can even help FSM do His work by converting people into pirates using His noodly appendage in this wonderful game.


Posted by Mike at September 10, 2005 3:30 PM