There was another astronomy story out this past week that scored some press coverage, that of the quasar without a home. (Second story down.) I saw the story first on CNN, and it was covered by slashdot, and in other venues as well. The slashdot piece linked to the actual ESO press release, which I've linked to above also.
This story is right in one of my main areas of research. It's also somewhat overblown, in that they haven't shown that the quasar doesn't live in a host galaxy, merely placed modest limits on its luminosity/mass which is 6 times lower than expected based on previously discovered relationships that have a lot of scatter. It's still really interesting, however, as the companion galaxy is an obviously distburbed system with a post-starburst stellar population. They may well be right that the recent interaction has stripped away some of the quasar's host galaxy. It'll be an interesting system to study, and might well be something for my group to cite when we publish our HST images of post-starburst quasars.
Anyway, way cool and in my area of expertise. I'll have to figure out a spin for my group's work to get in the press, which is both easier and harder than you might think.