October 28, 2005

Mile Hi Con Report

I had a really good time at Mile Hi Con last weekend, as usual. I had a lighter load than in recent years -- just autographing and two panels, both of which were very well attended and very successful. Science and science education are so well supported by the science fiction community, it almost makes me want to cry sometimes. I wish the public in general was the same.

A lot of the con was spent talking with people, old and new friends, and that was a blast. Wil McCarthy had some great stories about writing a script for the scifi channel. I discovered another astronomer-writer who attended Clarion West recently, and who works at Los Alamos. J. Alan Erwine was great to see again -- he'd even written a review of Star Dragon since I saw him last.

I spent a fair amount of time at parties, at least one night, for the Denver Worldcon bid, and for Tales of the Talisman magazine, and had good times there.

One of the attendees I know from both fark and science fiction, Carrie Vaughn, just had her first novel published, Kitty and the Midnight Hour, and I picked up a copy. It's a breezy fantasy about a late night radio talk show host who happens to be a werewolf. Vampires get in there, too. Looks to be a fun, quick read. Think Buffy, maybe. I think it's going to see very well...better than my work, probably. Oh well, the market is what it is, and I'm going to congratulate and support her.

The travels continue. Sunday I leave for Keck Observatory, in Hawaii on the big island, to observe post-starburst quasars with my collaborator Gaby Canalizo. Keck observing is always a lot of fun, unless the weather is bad.

The week after, I had a meeting in MA for the IRTF review panel.

I'm tired already. So what's new?

Posted by Mike at October 28, 2005 12:56 AM