December 31, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

I've been bad about posting on the blog the last six weeks. Guess what one of my New Year's Resolutions is?

I am getting a kick out of all the comment spam below. It's kind of fascinating how it just keeps coming, mindlessly. I filter out my mail spam, but this comment spam I see, and I'm nostaligic.

Anyway, since last I posted I've been sick a couple of times, finished up another semester of teaching, taken a brief vacation to Rio, and am preparing to go to Tucson to observe at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Think happy weather thoughts.

I'll try to get caught up again and post entries at least a few times a week, covering my usual science, science fiction, education, and weird topics. I'm still working on novel revisions (guess what another resolution is?), and will try to shame myself into a quicker pace by posting updates about the book.

Heading out to the bars tonight, New Year's Eve, with a few friends. It's strange, being single again on a holiday like this, and somewhat concerning given that I live in a small town like Laramie. Now, I really enjoy living here, and there are some great advantages, but it's occasions like NYE that reminds me of some of the shortcomings.

Already two resolutions are clear, and I'll take the plane flight tomorrow to think of some others. I'm pretty good at reaching goals. And, by the way, I've been running 30 miles a week for the last couple of months, and that's something I'm going to keep up. Some things have been getting done, somehow. Life is busy, and as overwhelming as it can get, I'm not bored and many would kill to have my problems.

So Happy New Year!

Posted by Mike at December 31, 2005 8:52 PM