October 16, 2007

One of those weeks...

I've been bad about posting for a few days, but it's been one of those weeks. I've been fighting a computer virus (I should have known better) and haven't beaten it 100% yet, but can recommend:

AVGFree Antivirus Software - Download and Protect your PC

My Aztek, after taking me up to Jelm Mountain for our observatory's open house on Friday night and performing wonderfully, just upped and died on Sunday. Saturday, everything was fine. Sunday, nothing. Nada. This parrot is no more. I watched it get towed off to the garage yesterday.

It's not the battery or anything simple involving the battery, anyway. The ignition is out. Onstar is out. Wireless entry is out. Every single system. I'm guessing it's a computer malfunction of some sort, or similar. And they're going to take a few days to get to it, too.

So, a pile of work, a big Halloween party to plan, and my car and computer are not reliable or even here. So, bear with me...

Posted by Mike at October 16, 2007 6:12 AM | TrackBack