November 18, 2007

Catching up on a few things...ARCs, Crayons, New Site

So it's been a pretty busy semester so far, even though I've been teaching a repeat course and not yet starting the draft of the new novel. I did want to mention a few things now, although I probably won't do a lot of blogging this week given the holiday and driving back to see family in St. Louis.

I've noticed that some of the Advance Reader Copies of Spider Star are creeping out into the world either via comments on the internet, or for sale on ebay

I came across this cool site about crayon physics. Really neat. Probably not new to some of you reading.

And finally, we'll have a site redesign very soon. It should be more pleasing, easy to read, and comment friendly. Also will have a live journal mirror.

Posted by Mike at November 18, 2007 10:03 PM | TrackBack