Ten Things I Love About Science Fiction

September 18th, 2008

OK, I’ve given out a list of ten things I hate about science fiction. I love more than I hate, so time to even up the score. I doubt this post will be as popular as that post, however. We love to hate more than we love to love it seems. Anyway, onward:

1. Something New. When I pick up a book or put in a DVD that’s science fiction, I expect to something new. It won’t be the world as I know it, and it won’t be a world I’ve seen before. I’m disappointed with some bad science fiction that’s just World War II in space, or cowboys and indians in space, or similar, but when I get that hint of the new, bam, I love it.

2. Sense of Wonder. Great science fiction makes me sit back in my chair and go, “whoa.” I love that feeling. It doesn’t have to be from something new, and many new things alone won’t do it, but an idea, or image, or something amazing that’s unique in my experience. Whoa. Love it.

3. Learning things. You can learn stuff from any genre — MacGyver comes to mind — and it could be argued that non-fiction is the first place to go. I have to say though that we learn through story easily and quickly. My introduction to special relativity came in Joe Haldeman’s excellent novel The Forever War. Todal forces from Larry Niven’s “Neutron Star.” And I hope that readers have learned something about novas and binary stars from my novel Star Dragon and something about dark matter from Spider Star.

4. Seeing sides of humanity possible in no other way. How would we react to the discovery of aliens? Or aliens much smarter than us? Aliens with different belief systems and good reasons for having them? Or technology that gives us opportunities and challenges we’ve never had before? Or we will have, but not yet?

5. Cool special effects. OK, I have to admit I love the spectacle. Seeing fantastic mind-blowing images on the big screen is awesome. I still remember the chill I had watching the opening of Star Wars and seeing the Imperial Destroyer, that giant ship, sliding up behind the rebel ship like some primeval space shark. Then the light sabers coming on, the holographic chess game, the whole damn movie. For 1977 it was absolutely amazing. I wish George Lucas hadn’t touched it. (Han shot first.)

6. Alien aliens. Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris is one good example. I hate the humans dressed up in costumes with funny noses posing as aliens, but give me something that acts and thinks differently, but intelligently and self-consistently, and I’m hooked. I try to do this in my own work, and have only partially succeeded in my opinion.

7. Thinking. Now, there are a lot of genres in which intellectualism can be found, but for me science fiction is always the first and best. You get puzzles dealing with aliens. You get science puzzles. You get abstract ideas. Really good science fiction makes you think.

8. Scientists portrayed as heroes, at least sometimes. I first saw Star Trek when I was six, and Mr. Spock was, for better or worse, a role model for me. He prized logic above all else. Unfortunately Kirk had to use his bravery to save the day in the end most of the time, but Spock was a leading character, super competent, strong, brave, and more, and his guiding principle was logic. And yes, he got to be the hero often enough. Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn was great. They should have probably stopped the series there.

9. Scary monsters. I mean, surprisingly scary in ways never before conceived. Alien scared the crap out of me as a kid, just reading Alan Dean Foster’s novelization. When I actually got to see the “John Hurt” moment years later in all it’s gory glory, it was still damn scary.

10. World-building. I love really great world-building, in which a writer has created an entire environment and it feels real, and presents me with consistencies that aren’t obvious at first, but fit together wonderfully. David Brin’s Kiln People is one recent example I think is great. Ringworld by Larry Niven, and his Known Space stories, is an older one.


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