Science and Science Fiction: Time Travel

September 23rd, 2008

In my post about Ten Things I Hate About Science Fiction I wrote:

4. Inconsistent or illogical time travel. It seems like writers just make up rules for time travel that make no sense a lot more often than other types of stories. I mean, WTF was with that fading photograph in Back to the Future? Don’t try to make too much sense of it, please, or your brain will hurt. And while I’m talking about this, bad history or irrational projection of today’s morals/beliefs on other peoples.

I stand by that (and I understand that while it made no sense, the photograph was an effective storytelling device for most viewers).

While I’m a bit of a time travel grinch because it’s done so illogically in so much science fiction, there are a number of ways that science is open and supportive of real time travel.

And I just took a moment to see what wikipedia says about time travel. It’s pretty good, actually. I recommend it for people interested in more details and links. I’ll continue with a brief summary from the point of view of a hard science guy.

First of all, relativity already allows for “easy” travel into the future through time dilation effects. Fly around at close to light speed and when you return to Earth much more time has passed. Or, hang out near the event horizon, as close as you can manage without getting torn apart (supermassive black holes have minimal tidal effects near their event horizons and are suggested), and when you climb out of the gravity well again much more time has passed.

But what about the past? How do you make a time machine in physics?

You need wormholes, which might or might not be feasible in practice, but are an allowed solution to the equations of general relativity. Then you put one end of the worm hole someplace, and the other deep in the gravity well of a black hole where time moves more slowly. You can get the two ends to exist at different times.

So then, how do physicists deal with the paradoxes?

Easy. They don’t have them.

Only self-consistent solutions are allowed, and there are plenty of them. You treat time as another variable like space and find the consistent solution. Any attempt to create a paradox, by shooting your grandfather, perhaps, cannot happen. Related to this idea of a self-consistent solution is that you have only one possible set of events that occur and they never change, and, in fact, cannot be changed. No free will in effect.

Like your freewill or like your time travel then. Not so easy to have both and have things make sense. See Heinlein’s By Your Bootstraps for a nice example of how this can work and work well in science fiction.

Keep in mind that faster than light travel is the same as traveling into the past. G. David Nordley has a nice article explaining this (doc file, some math required). If you use FTL, you really should have time travel and deal with the paradoxes in some consistent way.

There might be one way to give yourself some wiggle room on this issue: multiverses. This is what John Scalzi invokes for his FTL in his very entertaining debut novel Old Man’s War, although I’m not sure it’s entirely self-consistent.

If you accept a contentious interpretation of quantum mechanics, that an infinite number of universes exist branching apart every moment, then you just skip out on all the paradoxes and you’re really not traveling into your own history at all. I personally think this is kind of cheating on the whole time travel thing myself, but it would irritate me less than things that don’t make sense.

Anyway, that’s my take on rational, physics-based time travel in science/science fiction. There may be some variations of these I’ve skipped here, but I don’t generally think some popular types of time travel make any sense whatsoever (sorry, Back to the Future) even if they make for fun, entertaining stories. I classify them as fantasy.

Addition:   There’s a new documentary from National Geographic on Time Travel that may be of interest.   I’m not sure that there’s often a lot of useful information in these things, but this one is new and seems to have some awesome videos that could be inspirational.


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