West 1994
My Experience
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Clarion West Writer's Workshop in the summer of 1994.
Clarion West was a wonderful experience for me, although not everyone fares so well. It's basically boot camp for writers for six weeks, writing 5-6 stories, reading and critiquing over 100 stories, living and learning intensely. I'm still in contact with many of my classmates now nearly a decade later, and a rather large percentage of us have had success at writing. We've produced over a dozen books, and had dozens of short stories published in professional anthologies and magazines. If I have my count right, six of us have sold books, and sixteen of us have at least one professional fiction sale. I'm really proud of my class! At least half of us are still in there slugging. While the craft acquired at something like Clarion is not to be underestimated, the most important legacy to me has been the friends and professional contacts I made there.
My Class
I'll get links up to everyone sooner or later, either to their personal webpages or to Amazon to buy their books.

Praise for Mike Brotherton's Star
"Seldom does a storytelling talent come along as potent and fully mature
as Mike Brotherton. His complex characters take you on a voyage that is
both fiercely credible and astonishingly imaginative. This is Science
-- David Brin
"Mike Brotherton, himself a trained astrophysicist, combines the technical
acuity and ingenuity of Robert Forward with the ironic, postmodern stance
and style of M. John Harrison. In this, his debut novel, those twin talents
unite to produce a work that is involving on any number of levels. It's
just about all you could ask for in a hardcore SF adventure."
-- Paul di Fillippo,
Order Star
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